Hello friends,
Today's topic is the non-alcoholic movement that is happening around the world. I know it is a contraversial subject and I believe it must be left to health professionals to discuss. I was hesitant to write my thoughts on this subject for; a. I am not one of them b. I might be biased since I am an alcoholic beverage producer. I wrote and deleted a few attempted newsletters on this subject, but I cannot get through this if I do not share what is in my brain&hearth.
I came to Canada from Anatolia (modern day Turkiye), a Mediterranean region which was home to the invention of many foods&drinks. Wine has beeen made and drank in Anatolia for more than 8,000 years. Later wine moved to the western world by Greek traders and Roman Empire so wine has been made and drunk in Europe in the last 2,000 years. During these times and still in most of the Mediterranean, wine has been an irreplacable part of their diet. For example the Hittites of Anatolia around 1500 BC was the main grower of wine, they were declaring thruce with enemies during grape harvest so everyone including their enemies harvested grapes and made wine and then return to the battlefields. Each member of Roman Empire's urban population (man, woman or child) consumed half a liter of undiluted wine daily. They generaly mixed water to the wine to make it one liter a day.